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Главная страница » 2006 » Март » 23

Великолепная аркада, созданная на основе приключений знаменитого героя мультфильмов - червяка Джима.
After a hard day of doing whatever earthworm superheroes do, Earthworm Jim is hit on the head by a flying cow. After lapsing into a coma, Jim awakens in his own mind and discovers that he has gone insane. In order to regain his sanity, he must travel through the various worlds in his head and collect the loose marbles, as well as the golden udders. However, these things are not just lying in easy-to-reach places. Jim will have to use all of his talen ... Читать дальше »
Категория: games | Просмотров: 1192 | Добавил: Xerox-maN | Дата: 23 Мар 2006 | Комментарии (1)